
Below are some test clips we have filmed for our trailer. During editing we plan to put dialogue over the clip and therefore the noise currently in the clips will not be heard. Our clips will be cut and put together using transitions to make the trailer smoother. We plan to arrange the clips variously as if they appear in chronological order they would give away the entire story of the film. We aim to leave the trailer on a cliff hanger to whether the couple are brought back together. The clip showing a coin being thrown will be drastically slowed down to show it falling in front of the camera. We used the location of a church because we believe that it signified love and romance and also people may turn to religion at a time of confusion or worry.

This is my ancillary film poster for our trailer 'Here's to us'. After researching thoroughly into the use of typography, layout and use of images in relation to conventions of genre and form I feel I have successfully presented my film poster. 

This is my second ancillary product. It is a magazine cover. After much consideration I decided to use both my main characters on the front of my magazine as I felt it would be effective to the audience as they would associate them with the film trailer. To the left is my first draft and to the right is my second. My second draft has more coverlines and also a change to the use of font. I also added a banner above the masthead.
The presentation below shows how I created my ancillary products. Please take a few minutes to answer my survey and comment on the padlet for my ancillary products. Thank you.
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Below is a presentation which aims to show how we started to film our trailer. It shows how we varied out locations and used still images to analyse our composition. Powered by emazeThis is the first draft of our trailer 'Here's to us'. 

Production diary;
24th October- Myself, Amy, Mackenzie and Robyn started our filming and aimed to cover many of our clips showing the couple together. Firstly we set up the camera in a park, facing a bench. Kirsty and Jordan were arranged to the right of the bench for the sake of our shot composition and we trialed shots such as close-up’s, wide-shots and mid-shots before concluding that our close-up shot was most effective as it showed Kirsty admiring Jordan as he looked at their surroundings. 
29th October-  I Drove to Hunstanton to get opening clips for our trailer. I recorded multiple clips of the sea using a panning and tilting technique. I also got footage of the feet of the actors walking across the beach and looking forward. I decided to get these clips as extras as I felt they would be good as opening and closing shots. I also felt that the shot of the feet would be good as the audience is unaware at that point in the trailer if the couple are together therefore the feet could be someone else and symbolizing that the main actors have found someone else. 

3rd November- Individually with the help of an extra I filmed the scene of the two wine glasses being toasted to add in at the end of the trailer symbolizing the title of our trailer 'Here's to us'. 

13 November- Myself and Mackenzie filmed with Jordan. Using Mackenzie as an extra we filmed Jordan trying to fit back in to a partying lifestyle and also used dialogue to build up our narrative of why she has left him. 

26th November- Myself and Mackenzie filmed at his house with Kirsty and Jordan, we filmed a few final clips of them in the garden under fairy lights, Kirsty packing her stuff to leave, walking out the front door. Independent scenes of dialogue to build up our narrative. An interview and office scene where Kirsty is offered the job. 

4th December- I filmed within the car using the reflection of the wing mirror for a title screen. In my trailer it is the scene with the text 'coming soon' on it.  

Below is the second draft of our film trailer 'Here's to us'. 

Below is a survey about the second draft, please take a few moments to fill it out. Thank you.
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Please use the Padlet below to comment on the strengths and weaknesses of the film trailer.
Below is my final film trailer, 'Here's to us'.

Please take a few moments to watch my final film trailer and fill in the survey below. Consider how the trailer has progressed from the first draft and what you believe are the strengths and weaknesses.
Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.
Use the padlet below to comment on the film trailer.

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