
Question 1.
Below is a video focusing on answering question 1. It analyses parts of the trailer in relation to conventions of genre and form. 

Below is a presentation, analysing my own ancillary products in comparison to other media products. Below is a popplet which focuses on the conventions of genre and form of my magazine cover and film poster.

My second question focuses on the similarities between my three media products. Below is an Emaze document which focuses on how different aspects of each product link to aspects of the other. Powered by emaze I used a padlet to gain audience feedback on what similarities they could identify within my three final products.
My audience feedback is useful as it is clear that my audience can highlight the similarities between my products. They felt that the fonts were effective in creating a brand identity and that the images also allowed the audience to recognise the main characters before watching the trailer. Below is a small animatic video, highlighting the key similarities between products.

question 2
Question 3 aimed to look into the significance of audience feedback. Throughout my production I used interviews, questionaires and padlets to gain feedback on my three media products. Below is an audio interview with Shannon in which she responds to questions I have asked in regards to all three of my media products.

Below I have summarised the key elements of my audience feedback throughout my production work. I also looked at how my audience noticed the similarities between my ancillary products. Question 3 meant considering what I had learned from my audience feedback. I considered to audience feedback throughout all my trailer drafts and also on my ancillary products. Below I have created a piktochart wich reflects on audience feedback. Below is a prezi which shows how I gained audience feedback and how this was useful.
Below is an interview with Dale after he had been shown my ancillary products and watched the final draft of my film trailer.

Throughout my coursework I continuously used audience feedback to improve my production work. The key point I learnt throughout my production work;
-I needed to build a clearer narrative.
-The images needed to have clear similarities, I did this through my use of language, fonts and images.
-A clear colour scheme promoted the romance genre.
-The layout of the poster was creative although I made them larger to take up more of the page.
-It is important to use conventional page furniture.
-A logo would be useful in creating a brand identity.
-Romantic locations can help aid the narrative.

 Throughout each stage of my research, planning and production I used a varied amount of technology. Specifically in my production, different technologies helped me to create strong ancillary products and also continuously improve my film trailer. Below is a short video considering the effectiveness of the technologies I have used throughout. Furthermore, I have designed a popplet which summarises all of the technologies I have used within my research, planning and production stages. It also briefly states what these technologies enabled me to do.

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